This section covers what you or your solicitor will need to request from us if you want to sell your home.

You can sell your home at any time.

However, if you sell it within five years of buying it under the right to buy scheme, you must pay back some of the discount we gave you off the original purchase price.

If you sell it within 10 years of buying it under the right to buy scheme, you must offer the Council via Barnet Homes, right of first refusal before offering it for sale on the open market.

Pre-sale information from Barnet Homes

When you sell your home your solicitor will normally have to ask us for various “pre-assignment” or “pre-sales” information including:

  • details of the lease or transfer agreement
  • buildings insurance (leasehold only)
  • service charge payments
  • future costs.

We will provide this information for a fee. From 01 April 2022, the standard fee for pre-assignment enquiries will be £290. In addition, Barnet Homes will no longer offer the ‘express’ response option for pre-assignment enquiries.

You must pay for the work that we do when you transfer the lease. You must also pay any outstanding charges you owe us before you sell your home.

Ask your solicitor to contact us as early as possible before the sale is transferred. This will help to ensure we have enough time to prepare the pre-sale information.

Payment Method

Solicitors will either email or send pre-assignment request to us for the property, stating that £290 has been paid by BACS. The solicitors will need to pay the money into the following bank account:

Sort Code: 60-23-36
Account No: 82622477
Reference: 10037 plus 1st line of property address

Please note: this bank account is for LBB general fund and the cost code must be used as part of the reference

The leaseholder or Solicitor must contact us advise when they made this payment or we will not be able to send it in the allotted time requested.

Kindly be advised that we are unable to provide PAE Management Packs to Barnet Homes Freeholders. This is because Barnet Homes do not manage the block and therefore we do not possess the relevant information required.

Unfortunately, we no longer accept payment by cheque.